Sunday, January 10, 2010

I Have the Power!!

I receive a devotional in my inbox every day from Lifeway, as well as several other devotions. I don’t always take the time to read them. But today I did. I can’t help but beleive I opened this one for a reason.

I pray that the eyes of your heart may
be enlightened so you may know what
is the hope of His calling. . .
and what is the immeasurable
greatness of His power to us who believe. . .
Ephesians 1:18a,19a, HCSB

Trusting God to help you overcome your sins and shortcomings sounds so spiritual, doesn't it? Turning everything over to God, letting God handle your problems, giving your burdens to the Lord . . . can't argue with the wisdom there.

But when it's just you and your bad temper, or your runaway sex drive, or your weakness for cherry cheesecake, where do you find the strength to say no?

You might not guess it to look at you, but you have available to you--right now--the same kind of power that God "demonstrated . . . in the Messiah by raising Him from the dead" (Ephesians 1:20). And as you begin facing even your toughest challenges with the weapons of prayer, Bible truth, worship, thanksgiving, accountability, and other specific strategies that you'll begin gaining through experience, you'll see sin's deception for what it is, you'll turn your back on habits that have had your number for years, and your heart for instant gratification will be changed into a heart that knows where its power lies.

This Week's Look Up Verse
Ephesians 1:15-19

This devotional is courtesy of One Minute Bible for Starters.

A nice remonder that I am NOT alone in my daily struggles to overcome bad habits and be a Christian, wife, mother, teacher, etc. Tomorrow is Monday. Tomorrow is a new day, A new week. A new chance for me to fail, or succeed.  As I shared my goals in my New Year’s post (found here) and chose a word as my “mantra” for the coming year (which is PEACE), I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. A peaceful life? A peaceful home? There are many days where this seems unattainable. But I do not have to struggle. I do not have to admit defeat and give up. Christ wants me to lean on Him. He wants to share His power and strength with me. That’s right, even ME. Even YOU!

I need to remember the awesome power of prayer everyday, for the big things AND the little things. He is my provision, my power, and my portion. HE is enough.


: ) Cassie

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